Most of all, the success of the series relies heavily on the chemistry between the two main characters Joel and Ellie. And we get bonus guest stars each week, my favorite of which is Murray Bartlett.

The dialogue, the ambience, the soundtrack, and especially the cinematography are all movie quality and yet this is just a TV show! What a treat. "The Last of Us" benefits from the talents of Craig Mazin, the brilliant creator who gave us "Chernobyl." If not for the level of care placed on production quality and top-notch acting talent, this zombie show could have easily been dismissed as just another "The Walking Dead." Fortunately, the "Chernobyl" influence permeates throughout, as this is a great series whether you are a fan of the video game or not. Lastly, while insects do gain some level of aggression when infected, they normally do not attack other insects. All 600 species of Cordyceps which seize control of insect bodies do so to force the host into a humid place where the fungus can feed on the body and spread its spores, so if an evolved cordyceps infected a human and over the course of many days transformed the body into a shambling host, the fungus' end goal would be much the same. Even if it did, fungal infections are slow, taking a matter of weeks, and nothing like the near-instant transformation depicted new filaments take some time and energy to produce. Human brains contain hundreds of thousands of times more neurons compared to an ant brain, and it would be an extraordinarily rapid evolution for cordyceps to gain the ability to infect and take over one.

Overall, the probability of a fungus of this type evolving the need and capability to infect humans is astronomically small. As with the game, the series' depiction of the cordyceps fungus has some inaccuracies.